The Kyiv Independent launched a fundraiser to support three independent local media outlets in Ukraine, whose funding was cut as a result of a 90-day pause on U.S. foreign aid ordered by U.S. President Donald Trump.
The goal is to raise 40,000 pounds ($50,000) through GoFundMe. (A donation can be made here.)
"We couldn’t just stand by and watch our colleagues and partners lose their teams and suspend their operations while independent journalism remains one of the most crucial jobs in Ukraine today, especially near the front lines," said Daryna Shevchenko, CEO of the Kyiv Independent.
Trump signed an executive order on his inauguration day suspending foreign aid programs for 90 days to review whether the distribution aligned with his foreign policy. The freeze affects a number of organizations in Ukraine that provide a range of humanitarian services, often to some of the most vulnerable segments of society.
A number of independent Ukrainian media outlets and its journalists who have been covering Russia's war against Ukraine for almost three years were also left without critical funding.
With the advertising market collapsing because of the war and citizens focusing on donating to the army, independent Ukrainian publishers have been struggling to stay afloat and keep bringing the truth to their communities.
The smaller, local media outlets were hit the hardest by the U.S. government’s recent aid suspension. Many of them are the sole source of reliable local news for their communities. They are small teams working in difficult conditions, usually on very small salaries, driven by their loyalty to the local community.
The Kyiv Independent is raising funds for three local media outlets: Tsukr from Sumy, Gwara Media from Kharkiv, and MykVisti from Mykolaiv.
The Kyiv Independent has donated $10,000 (8,000 pounds) of its own money to the fundraiser, with the goal of raising a total of $50,000. This will allow the newsrooms to pay their journalists, keep the lights on, and continue their reporting.
"We are fortunate to be financially stable and unaffected by the U.S. aid freeze crisis—thanks to all of you. We know where you stand, and that is behind independent journalism in Ukraine,” Shevchenko said.
The raised funds will be shared equally among these three media outlets, operating close to the front lines in Ukraine:
- Tsukr (Sumy, Ukraine): Just 28 km (18 miles) from the Russian border, Sumy has faced relentless attacks since the first day of Russia’s full-scale invasion. Tsukr has been a source of light, telling the stories of the people who refuse to abandon their homes and who are rebuilding despite everything. The aid freeze has slashed 60% of its funding, putting its future at risk. The support for Tsukr, if we reach our goal, would cover almost two months of their operations.
- Gwara Media (Kharkiv, Ukraine): Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, has endured wave after wave of airstrikes, but Gwara has never stopped reporting. They document war crimes, fact-check Russian propaganda, and provide in-depth investigative journalism. But without urgent support, their work could grind to a halt. The support from our goal would cover 50% of their budget gap due to the U.S. aid freeze.
- MykVisti (Mykolaiv, Ukraine): In Mykolaiv, where Russian missiles target civilian infrastructure, MykVisti has kept the community informed, providing life-saving news and analysis. Now, with funding pulled overnight, their ability to continue is uncertain. The support from this fundraiser would cover two months of their work.
The donation can be made via GoFundMe here.